Depending on your needs, you can use the edition of
A1 Sitemap Generator that fits your needs. All in the same download:
500 page URLs per website |
25000 page URLs per website |
No fixed limit, see details |
- All in free edition
- HTML sitemap
- HREFLang sitemap
- Text urllist.txt file
- RSS feed
- ROR file
- ASP.Net web sitemap
- DOT graph file
- All in standard edition
- Video sitemap
- Image sitemap
- Mobile sitemap
- News sitemap
- Code sitemap
- All options to control crawl
- All tools to analyze results
- Create robots.txt
- Sitemap ping
- FTP upload
- All in free edition
- Command line support
Free sitemap generator |
$49 USD - buy now |
$69 USD - buy now |
Get started and
download our software now.
Have you been looking for the best sitemap generator
with the most
complete set of tools
and advantages above any other?
Our website crawler will find all pages within your website
as it
can handle all kinds of links and redirects. Neither the HTML
<base> tag nor any
variation of valid link addresses will confuse it.
Enable a few options and our sitemap generator can find links in
and many other HTML tags. You can also have it process all
kinds of
file references and most Javascript generated links.
When crawling websites, our sitemap builder supports
robots.txt file directives
disallow and
Likewise, the crawler can also handle
canonical and
attributes and information in
<link> and
<a> tags when applicable.
Website crawling and
sitemap software speed: Our high performance website crawler is able to sustain
a high speed, even when crossing 10.000 and 100.000 pages.
Do you have websites larger than that? No problem, you can configure
our website crawler and tune its speed and memory usage to handle much larger websites.
Create all kinds of sitemaps including text, HTML, RSS and XML using our sitemapper tool.
It is easy to use, yet highly configurable when needed:
- HTML sitemaps: Customize the sitemap layout and style, number of columns, max links per page and more using the
built-in HTML sitemap generator options and template system. Generate visual sitemaps that use HTML, CSS and Javascript.
- XML sitemaps: Build optimized XML sitemaps where unwanted URLs
are excluded, priority values are calculated for all pages, GZip compression is supported and sitemaps are automaically split into multiple files when necessary.
With our sitemaps solution you can
automate and schedule the whole process through the
batch file and
command line support:
Open existing projects, scan websites, create sitemaps, create
robots.txt, FTP upload, and ping search engines to inform them about updated XML sitemaps.
After you have crawled a website, you can view all links found including those that are broken or redirect. While
URLs that error are never included in generated sitemap files, it is still useful to fix broken links in your websites.
With HTML and XML sitemaps you can help Google, Bing and other search engines to:
- Index your entire website including blogs and forums.
- Speed up finding and showing changed content.
- Ease the bandwidth load on your webserver.
- Decide pages shown in search engine result pages.
If you have a feature request or need help, please
contact us. You can also check our online
help and tutorials.
We offer a 30 days
satisfaction guarantee
or money back to make your purchase risk-free.
Not fully convinced? Try our fully functional
30 days free trial before buying.