
Sitemap Generator Purchase Includes Support

The purchase of A1 Sitemap Generator usually includes support, updates and possibly even a free upgrade.

Upgrades Versus Updates Explained

The following is included if you buy A1 Sitemap Generator now:

  • Updates to 12.x series within each edition such as [Pro]:
    • All releases within version series 12.x are free.
    • There are no additional costs at any point for using version 12.x.

  • Upgrades from 12.x to 13.x within each edition such as [Pro]:
    • If version 13.0 is released officially (i.e. beta builds for testers and similar do not count) within one year of the purchase, upgrading to 13.x is free.
    • If you are entitled to a free 13.x upgrade, you are also entitled to the 13.x updates.
    • Upgrades may sometimes be free for purchases older than one year.
    • If you are not eligible for a free upgrade, the upgrade is discounted compared to the list price.

If You Are using an Old Version

  • Check if you are eligible to:
    • Get a free upgrade to 12.x or older depending on your existing version and/or time of purchase.
    • Purchase a paid upgrade for version 11.x (or older) to version 12.x.

  • Check the available releases of old versions. Provided for licensed users as-is, but may still work depending on use case.

Satisfaction Guarantee and Free Support

  • We care about support and having satisfied customers of our sitemap generator.
  • You can request and get a refund for products bought within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Product support is free, but we may ask you to update/upgrade to the latest version or that we are unable to solve a certain problem at present.

Note: Please contact us if you encounter a problem or have feedback.

Trial Period Versus Free Mode Versus Registered Software

When you start A1 Sitemap Generator for the first time - it starts a 30 days trial period. Here the software is fully functional.

When the trial period has expired the software reverts to free mode with some usability restrictions until you purchase and register the software.

Note: You can always see if the software is in registered state, trial or free mode by looking at the caption/title at the top of the main window.

Delivery and download

Delivery of A1 Sitemap Generator software and license is electronically if not otherwise agreed. This can be through either downloads available on the website or emails that contain the necessary license information.
A1 Sitemap Generator
A1 Sitemap Generator | help | previous | next
Build all kinds of sitemaps including text, visual HTML / CSS, RSS, XML, image, video, news and mobile for all your websites no matter the platform they use.
This help page is maintained by
As one of the lead developers, his hands have touched most of the code in the software from Microsys. If you email any questions, chances are that he will be the one answering.
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