
Website Position and Keyword Rank Checker

With TechSEO360 you can simultaneously check many website positions and keyword rankings in search engines.

Position Checking

If you are trying to rank your selected keywords in organic SEO for search engines, it is very useful being able to analyze and track website positions in various search engines across different languages regions.

Some of the features in TechSEO360 include:
  • Check multiple keywords in same run.
  • Check keywords against multiple search engines in same run.
  • Check different search engines country/language variations in the same run.
  • Edit configuration for existing or add support for completely new search engines yourself.

The above is very useful since search engine results are often influenced by where the searcher is from.

TechSEO360 and Position Rank Checker

To start rank checking websites for various keyword postions do the following:
  • Write which websites you want to find position ranks results for.
  • Write the keywords you want to have position rank checked.
  • Select the search engines you wish to run postion rank checker against.
  • Optional: Increase default delays used when doing position checking.
  • Optional: Choose proxy to use in General options and tools | Internet crawler | HTTP proxy settings.
    Note: Proxy support depends on which HTTP engine has been selected in Scan website | Crawler engine.

keyword website position check

Manually Position Checking Search Results

If you wish to still check search results manually, it is important to remember that positions and rankings in search results are influenced by many factors. Some of these factors can make past, present and future position checking results appear fluctuating or wrong at first glance.

With search engines the factors are and have been:
  • The country you are located in.
  • The country of the search engine domain you are using (e.g. search-engine.example.de versus search-engine.example.us)
  • Data center location used by the search engine country variation you are using.
  • If you are logged into an account at your search engine or otherwise tracked, e.g. by cookies.
  • That your system is not compromised by a 3rd party tool rewriting search results inside your internet browser.
  • Extreme localization for search queries that are local to the area and location your IP address is in.

To ensure most correct results in tests, you can:
  • Test against country specific versions, e.g. search-engine.example.de and search-engine.example.use.
  • Do so the search eninge thinks your language is the same as the chosen domain, e.g. "Deutsch" if using "search-engine.example.de".
  • Measure the trends (is it up or down over a period of time), not exact position results.

Website Position Check History in TechSEO360

It is easy save website rankings and positions. You can view website position history on graphs and export it all to CSV files.

keyword website position history

Note: When saving position history for keywords and phrases they become available for quick selection in various SEO and PPC tools.
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