TechSEO360 Subscription Includes Support
The purchase of TechSEO360 usually includes support and updates as they are released.
The following is included if you
buy TechSEO360 now:
- Activated subscription:
- You can get, install and use all releases as they are released and available for download.
- Deactivated subscription:
- Software will revert to free modes with certain features unavailable and others limited.
- We care about support and having satisfied customers of our technical SEO.
- You can request and get a refund for products bought within 30 days of your purchase.
- Product support is free, but we may ask you to update/upgrade to the latest version or that we are unable to solve a certain problem at present.
Note: Please
contact us if you encounter a problem or have feedback.
When you start TechSEO360 for the first time - it starts a 30 days trial period. Here the software is fully functional.
When the trial period has expired the software reverts to free mode with some usability restrictions until you purchase and register the software.
Note: You can always see if the software is in registered state, trial or free mode by looking at the caption/title at the top of the main window.