
Schedule and Automate TechSEO360 with Command Line Interface (CLI)

Automate website analysis in TechSEO360. Run large website and SEO audit crawls during nighttime.

Command Line Support in TechSEO360

You can use a command line interface to automate all the major technical SEO tools in the program.

This means that you can also use external applications and bat / batch / script files.

This enables you to run our technical SEO software at regular intervals using e.g. Windows Task Scheduler.
  • Parameters:
    • ":%project-path%" : Where %project-path% should contain the active project file path. (Remember the colon before project path.)
    • "@override_initfromproject=c:\example\projects\initfrom.ini@" : Overwrite the initial project settings used.
    • "@override_rootpath=http://example.com@" : Overwrite website rootpath.
    • "-autocreate" : Automatically create project files and related if they do not exist already.
    • "-exit" : Exits when done.
    • "-hide" : Always invisible and exits when done.
    • "-preferieoverwv2" : If you prefer using Internet Explorer engine over WebView2 based on Chromium.
    • "-scan" : Runs website scanner.
    • "-stop0000" : Stops scan after a number of seconds, e.g. -stop600 stops scan after 10 minutes.
    • "-stopurls0000" : Stops scan after a number of URLs has been both found and handled, e.g. -stopurls500.
    • "-save" : Saves project.
    • "@override_exportpathdir=c:\example\exports\@" : Overwrite general directory path used for e.g. CSV export data files.
    • "@override_postscanfilter=example text@" : Filters the result URLs after website scan has finished. Useful for exporting data.
    • "-exportexternalcsv" : Exports all URLs data listed in "external" tree view into a file called "external.csv" located in project directory.
    • "-exportinternalcsv" : Exports all URLs data listed in "internal" tree view into a file called "internal.csv" located in project directory.
    • "-exportsitemapcsv" : Exports all URLs data listed in "internal" tree view into a file called "sitemap.csv" located in project directory.
    • "-positioncheck" : Runs rank position check against keywords/websites listed in project file. Automatically saves the result.
    • "-competitioncheck" : Runs competition analysis check against keywords listed in project file. Automatically saves the result.
    • "@override_sitemapxmlpath=c:\example\sitemap.xml@" : Overwrite where the generated XML sitemap files are stored.
    • "-buildxml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML sitemap.
    • "-buildnewsxml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML news sitemap.
    • "-buildmobilexml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML mobile sitemap.
    • "-buildvideoxml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML video sitemap.
    • "-buildimagexml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML image sitemap.
    • "-buildcodexml" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML code sitemap.
    • "-buildrss" : Runs sitemap builder and creates RSS sitemap.
    • "-buildtext" : Runs sitemap builder and creates text sitemap.
    • "-buildtemplate" : Runs sitemap builder and creates template sitemap (usually HTML / XHTML).
    • "-buildaspnet" : Runs sitemap builder and creates XML ASP.Net sitemap for use by ASP.Net controls.
    • "-buildgraphdatadot" : Build a graph data file using dot / .gv file format which can visualized in other tools including GraphViz.
    • "-build" : Runs sitemap builder and creates a sitemap of the selected type in project settings.
    • "-buildall" : Runs sitemap builder for all kinds.
    • "-robotstxt" : Creates a "robots.txt" file.
    • "-upload" : Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads the last generated sitemap.
    • "-uploadall" : Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads all generated sitemaps.
    • "-ping" : Performs sitemap ping notification.

  • Examples for usage on Windows:
    • [ "c:\microsys\website\techseo.exe" -exit -scan -build -save ":c:\microsys\website\seo-audits\my-project.ini" ].
    • [ "techseo.exe" -exit -scan -build -save ":my-project.ini" ] - Here it is assumed my-project.ini is in the same directory as the executable.
    • [ "techseo.exe" -scan @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ]
    • [ start "" "techseo.exe" -scan @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ] - Launches asynchronously. Do not use spaces in parameters.
      [ timeout 2 ] - Idle time to avoid problems with multiple instances launching at the exact same time.

  • Examples for usage on Mac OS:
    • [ open -n TechSEO360.app --args -scan @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ].
    • [ open -n TechSEO360.app --args -exit -scan -build -save -autocreate ":/users/%name%/myprojects/shopexample.ini" @override_initfromproject=/users/%name%/myprojecs/mydefaults.ini@ @override_rootpath=https://shop.example.com@ ].

  • Tips:
    • To prevent a parameter value that contains spaces (e.g. if you are passing a directory path) from being broken up, enclose it inside a couple of "".
    • In the above examples %name% refers to your user name in the given operating system.

Automate TechSEO360 with Command Line and Batch Files

  • Create a batch file using any standard text editor:
    • Windows: batch-file.bat
    • Mac: batch-file.command
  • Example of what to write underlined:
    • Windows: [ "c:\microsys\website\techseo.exe" -exit -scan -build -save ":c:\microsys\website\seo-audits\my-project.ini" ].
    • Mac: [ open -n TechSEO360.app --args -scan @override_rootpath=http://example.com@ ].
  • Save your batch file. You can now call it yourself or from other programs and scripts.
  • Download this ZIP file containing the demo project including ".command" file (for Mac) to get you started.
  • 3rd Party project at Github https://github.com/jctec-seo/tech360-integration to script TechSEO360 on Mac.

Schedule and automate TechSEO360 with Windows Task Scheduler

schedule automate technical SEO

  • Open Control Panel | Scheduled Tasks | Add Scheduled Task. Follow the guide.
  • Open the generated technical SEO time scheduled item to edit details, e.g. command line parameters.
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SEO website crawler tool that can find broken links, analyze internal link juice flow, show duplicate titles, perform custom code/text search and much more.
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As one of the lead developers, his hands have touched most of the code in the software from Microsys. If you email any questions, chances are that he will be the one answering.
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