Sitemap Generator Command Line Automation
Schedule and automate build and upload of website sitemap in A1 Sitemap Generator using the command line interface (CLI)
You can use a command line interface to automate all the major sitemap generator tools in the program.
This means that you can also use external applications and bat / batch / script files.
This enables you to run our sitemap generator software at regular intervals using e.g. Windows Task Scheduler.
- Parameters:
- ":%project-path%" :
Where %project-path% should contain the active project file path. (Remember the colon before project path.)
- "@override_initfromproject=c:\example\projects\initfrom.ini@" :
Overwrite the initial project settings used.
- "@override_rootpath=" :
Overwrite website rootpath.
- "-autocreate" :
Automatically create project files and related if they do not exist already.
- "-exit" :
Exits when done.
- "-hide" :
Always invisible and exits when done.
- "-preferieoverwv2" :
If you prefer using Internet Explorer engine over WebView2 based on Chromium.
- "-scan" :
Runs website scanner.
- "-stop0000" :
Stops scan after a number of seconds, e.g. -stop600 stops scan after 10 minutes.
- "-stopurls0000" :
Stops scan after a number of URLs has been both found and handled, e.g. -stopurls500.
- "-save" :
Saves project.
- "@override_exportpathdir=c:\example\exports\@" :
Overwrite general directory path used for e.g. CSV export data files.
- "-exportexternalcsv" :
Exports all URLs data listed in "external" tree view into a file called "external.csv" located in project directory.
- "-exportinternalcsv" :
Exports all URLs data listed in "internal" tree view into a file called "internal.csv" located in project directory.
- "-exportsitemapcsv" :
Exports all URLs data listed in "internal" tree view into a file called "sitemap.csv" located in project directory.
- "@override_sitemapxmlpath=c:\example\sitemap.xml@" :
Overwrite where the generated XML sitemap files are stored.
- "-buildxml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML sitemap.
- "-buildnewsxml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML news sitemap.
- "-buildmobilexml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML mobile sitemap.
- "-buildvideoxml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML video sitemap.
- "-buildimagexml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML image sitemap.
- "-buildcodexml" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML code sitemap.
- "-buildrss" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates RSS sitemap.
- "-buildtext" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates text sitemap.
- "-buildtemplate" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates template sitemap (usually HTML / XHTML).
- "-buildaspnet" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates XML ASP.Net sitemap for use by ASP.Net controls.
- "-buildgraphdatadot" :
Build a graph data file using dot / .gv file format which can visualized in other tools including GraphViz.
- "-build" :
Runs sitemap builder and creates a sitemap of the selected type in project settings.
- "-buildall" :
Runs sitemap builder for all kinds.
- "-robotstxt" :
Creates a "robots.txt" file.
- "-upload" :
Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads the last generated sitemap.
- "-uploadall" :
Runs sitemap uploader and FTP uploads all generated sitemaps.
- "-ping" :
Performs sitemap ping notification.
- Examples for usage on Windows:
- [ "c:\microsys\sitemap\Sitemap.exe" -exit -scan -build -upload -save ":c:\microsys\sitemap\projects\my-project.ini" ].
- [ "Sitemap.exe" -exit -scan -build -upload -save ":my-project.ini" ] - Here it is assumed my-project.ini is in the same directory as the executable.
- [ "Sitemap.exe" -scan -build @override_rootpath= ]
[ start "" "Sitemap.exe" -scan -build @override_rootpath= ] - Launches asynchronously. Do not use spaces in parameters.
[ timeout 2 ] - Idle time to avoid problems with multiple instances launching at the exact same time.
- Examples for usage on Mac OS:
- [ open -n --args -scan -build @override_rootpath= ].
- [ open -n --args -exit -scan -build -save -autocreate ":/users/%name%/myprojects/shopexample.ini" @override_initfromproject=/users/%name%/myprojecs/mydefaults.ini@ @override_rootpath= ].
- Tips:
- To prevent a parameter value that contains spaces (e.g. if you are passing a directory path) from being broken up, enclose it inside a couple of "".
- In the above examples
refers to your user name in the given operating system.