
Locate Automation Batch Tools Installation and Related Files

Unsure whereto you installed Automation Batch Tools and need to find some files?

Automation Batch Tools Files and Paths

You need to install Automation Batch Tools before you can locate any of its files on your computer disk.

Note: Do not confuse the automation batch tools installation setup file with the program executable! The installation setup file is what installs the Automation Batch Tools program executable and related files.

If you have successfully installed the automation batch tools software, be sure to read about installation and configuration. This explains how automation batch tools finds its files.

If you can start Automation Batch Tools, you can see which files and paths are used by opening the Help | About dialog:

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  • Application main directory is where you find automation batch tools program executable.
  • Application user data directory is where you find automation batch tools user generated data such as project files.
  • Application core data directory is where you find automation batch tools program data files.

Windows Method to Find Automation Batch Tools Program Executable Path

If you can find a working Windows shortcut to Automation Batch Tools you can also do the following:
  • Right-click with mouse on the program icon. It looks like this:
  • Click on properties.
  • You are now taken to a Windows dialog where you can view data about the program and shortcut. This includes information about the automation batch tools program executable path.
Automation Batch Tools
Automation Batch Tools | help | previous | next
Automation Batch Tools is a tool for automation and batch processing of repetitive tasks on the computer. Automate all sorts of file and web related jobs you need to have done on many files.
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As one of the lead developers, his hands have touched most of the code in the software from Microsys. If you email any questions, chances are that he will be the one answering.
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