

In-depth SEO and link analyis of websites


  • Complete guide on using A1 Website Analyzer for SEO analysis and in-software reporting for quickly identifying technical SEO problems.
Click to view our video In-depth SEO and Link Analyis of Websites on YouTube

A1 Website Analyzer 5.0.5 - guide to audit websites for errors and SEO (best viewed in HD quality and maximized window)

Video was published 2014-03-11


The original video script which is also a reasonable accurate video transcript:


My name is Thomas Schulz and I am the developer of A1 Website Analyzer.

In this video, I will demonstrate a variety of website analysis tools you can find in the software.

The first thing you will usually do, is to type in a website address to have it scanned.

A1 Website Analyzer comes with with lots of options, but most users can keep easy mode on which we will also use here.

For this demo we have loaded a project, so you do not have to wait for the site scan

After a scan finishes, you can see all data in "Analyze website"

Views of what you see in A1 Website Analyzer can be controlled by configuring
  • which columns are visible
  • which filters are active
and if all items are shown in list or indented view mode.

As there are a lot of different data columns, there are various ways to speed up configuration.

If for instance, we want to see all information like titles, descriptions, headers etc. we first
  • Change to list-view.
  • Switch off visibility of ALL columns global.
  • Switch on visibility of all "Extracted content" columns.

Suppose we are only interested in seeing a visual representation of pages with Similar content. Assuming that, we could simply:
  • Switch off visibility of ALL columns.
  • Switch on visibility of all columns for "Extracted content | Page content duplicates".

For this to work, we would first have to scan a website with: "Keyword analysis" checked in "Scan website | Data collection".

A1 Website Analyzer also contains a list of various predefined report-like shortcuts which can do things like above faster:
  • Use report "duplicate descriptions".
  • Use report "duplicate H1".
  • Use report "duplicate titles".
  • If we are only interested in duplicate titles with the words "website analyzer" in it - we can narrow it further by entering that as a filter.

While it is important remember that you can always tailor filters and columns visiblity to fit your exact needs, there are more "quick reports" available. For instance:
  • 404:
    We see we have some broken internal links... Let us see about external - select http://www.example.com/sitemap-1.xml
    It is worth noting you can see extended details for the selected URL here by:
    • Select "Core data".
    • In "Extended data" we can for instance check "Linked by". Notice that we here can see link count, line numbers, anchor text and if follow/nofollow.
  • 301/302 redirects.
  • We can also see URLs that point to other URLs using "canonical".
  • URLs excluded by noindex. Scroll down so we can see some URLs have:
    • Noindex + canonicalredirect.
    • Noindex + canonical.
  • URLs excluded by robots.txt.
  • We also have a report shortcut that will show all pages with titles over 70 characters.
  • Suppose we want to see page descriptions above 150 characters. There us no quick report shorcut, so instead we just:
    • Disable visiblity of "Extracted content | Page title column.
    • Enable visiblity of "Extracted content | Page description" column.
    • Select the filter for above a certain description length and type in 150.

Sometimes you may encounter situations where you want to check if pages in your website contain some specific code or text.

It is possible to define patterns in "Scan website | Data collection" that A1 Website Analyzer will check for when crawing websites.

in this case we have chosen the builtin pattern for checking if Google Analytics has been installed on all relevant pages. We have named this patttern "ga underscore new"

To see it we simply:
  • Switch off visibility of ALL columns global.
  • Switch on "Extracted content | page custom searches".
  • Select standard behavior in filter-list-selection.
  • And if we only wish to see pages with Google Anytics installed, we simply type "ga underscore new" and hit enter.

If you do onpage content SEO, you should also check out the "Page [keywords]" tab available for all page URLs.

This tool will allow you to analyze keyword content and density. You can also experiment using different values - for example on how much title tag weighs in on the total score.

Taking onpage SEO. a step further, we can also perform these kinds of data for all pages. This includes:
  • How your internal linking flows links juice around the site - of course accounting for e.g. nofollow instructions.
  • Onpage content versus code percentage of content in all pages.
  • Important keywords - this requires you enabled "Keyword analysis" in "Scan website | Data collection".
  • Clicks required to navigate from the website root to a specific page.
  • And more

A site analysis tool would not be complete if it was without HTML, CSS and spell checking.

You can enable these in "Scan website | Data collection":
  • "HTML/CSS validation"
  • "Enable spell checker"

To see this data:
  • Switch off visibility of ALL columns global.
  • Then enable visiblity of all columns in "Validation results".

You can dive in and see details. This website uses a theme and plugins that have resulted in many HTML and CSS errors.

Everything you have just seen can be exported to CSV and Excel compaible files - ideal for creating quick reports and "fix lists" for clients.

At this point we have demonstrated some of the most common uses of A1 Website Analyzer.

We have far from shown you all data columns and reports, but you should still have a good understanding of how you can use A1 Website Analyzer.

This sums up the video - I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions be sure to contact us.

You can also add us on Google+ and other social media - hope to see you there.
A1 Website Analyzer
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SEO website crawler tool that can find broken links, analyze internal link juice flow, show duplicate titles, perform custom code/text search and much more.
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As one of the lead developers, his hands have touched most of the code in the software from Microsys. If you email any questions, chances are that he will be the one answering.
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