
A1 Website Search Engine Media Kit

Screenshots, logos and text

How to Use The Media Kit

The content of our media kit content below can freely be used when writing about or linking to our website search engine program.

Same applies if you are an affiliate selling our website search engine tool.

If you have any questions about A1 Website Search Engine, please contact us.

Website Search Engine Description

Adding a search engine to your website will help visitors find what they are searching for on your website.

This is in particular useful if the website visitor entered your website through a page not containing what they needed, and you do not want them to leave your site.

This can help overall website functionality and thereby also help increase conversions if your goal is to sell goods or services.

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Improve your website with a search engine.

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Give your website visitors a search engine that helps them find what they need.

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Provide your website visitors with a website search engine. Our tool will index your entire website and build a site search solution that considers both the content and internal linking in the website. When done, simply FTP upload a few files.

450 chars
The A1 Website Search Engine tool can create site search solutions. Adding this to your website will help visitors find what they are searching for on your website. This is in particular useful if the website visitor entered your website through a page not containing what they needed. This will help increase conversions if you sell goods or services and improve overall website functionality.

2000 chars
The A1 Website Search Engine tool can create site search solutions. Adding this to your website will help visitors find what they are searching for on your website. This is in particular useful if the website visitor entered your website through a page not containing what they needed. This will help increase conversions if you sell goods or services and improve overall website functionality. A1 Website Search Engine will during crawl index all content and can from that generate an efficient search index. It is possible to build a search engine that can work either by pure HTML/CSS/Javascript - perfect for offline media - or an AJAX solution that fetches search results dynamically.

websites, search, engine, site, solution, keywords, A1 Website Search Engine

Website Search Engine Icons

Website Search Engine Boxshots

Website Search Engine Banners

Website Search Engine Screenshots

A1 Website Search Engine 7.7.0 in Mac screenshotA1 Website Search Engine 3.4.0 in Windows 7 - ready to start crawling website screenshotA1 Website Search Engine 3.4.0 in Windows 7 - configure weight of different page elements screenshotA1 Website Search Engine 3.4.0 in Windows 7 - generated search engine files to upload on webserver screenshot

Website Search Engine Videos

A1 Website Search Engine 4.0.5 - introduction video to building custom search engines for your websites video

Website Search Engine PAD Files

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