
TechSEO360 Testimonials and Guides by Our Users

Learn about technical SEO from our TechSEO360 users.

Ruud from Search Engine People

Ruud Hein Ruud Hein from Search Engine People has been a user of our SEO tools for a long time and has through that written quite a few articles on how to analyze and perform audits of websites including their SEO.


At the base of TechSEO360 are the A1 SEO utilities which I’ve been using for more than half a decade now.

I’m well aware of other tools out there, both gone and still running, but over time nothing has been able to beat the A1 crawler. It does a more thorough job than any crawler out there, save Google’s, probably.

The multitude of built-in filters, or reports, are handy for marketers that want a quick understanding of a site. For the most in-depth work I always export to a spreadsheet: one export gets you all the data, if you want. What’s the anchor text used site-wide to point to a page? What’s the internal PageRank-equivalent? Want to do duplicate content analysis? Got it: both expressed numerical and, better, visually. Which pages are indexed? Are there redirect chains? Do your redirects go to 404 pages? All that and so much more is answered, usually out of the box, otherwise via Excel.

Crawling capabilities are impressive. Need JavaScript rendering? Got it. Need to crawl as another user agent? Provide a login? Crawl a site from another starting point? Want to obey robots.txt or not? Got it.

And the beauty is that if you don’t know what to check or uncheck, just pop in a URL and hit start. It will work. Out of the box. But if you have questions, both the site itself, the developer, and the web have clear and easy tutorials on how to accomplish virtually anything with the tools.

Highly recommended for anyone who works seriously in SEO.

Excerpt from TechSEO360 Crawler Guide – Sitemaps and Technical SEO Audits:
For 10 years now, the crawler I use for the technical SEO website audits I do at Search Engine People is what is nowadays called TechSEO360. A hidden gem; cost-effective, efficient

Chris Casarez

Chris Casarez Chris Casarez from exactlatitude.com helps businesses grow through SEO and actionable web analytics insights, and is a longtime user of A1 Website Analyzer, A1 Sitemap Generator and now TechSEO360.

The A1 Tools have been an essential part of my technical SEO strategy since I first downloaded A1 Sitemap Generator for my old employer. TechSEO360 combines the tools I use most into a single, enterprise-level package that can integrate Google Search Console and Apache Log exports.

Excerpt from Tech SEO 360 Review:
It’s become an important tool in my on-site/technical SEO audits, as it quickly displays pages with poor (or non-existent) internal linking, short title tags, mismatching canonical link rel elements, slow loading times, mobile issues, non-indexed pages, etc.

Philip Blomsterberg

Philip Blomsterberg Philip Blomsterberg is the owner of Intripid and sökmotoroptimering.se and an avid user of TechSEO360.

This is such a fantastic addition to our SEO software arsenal. I see countless of features I have been wanting from similar applications but never gotten. In fact it’s so good I would rather keep it a secret than recommending it to others.

Sante J. Achille

Sante J. Achille Sante J Achille is a search marketing specialist from Sante J Achille & Co. and speaker about search engine optimization and marketing.

TechSEO360 is a very powerful and flexible spidering tool – probably the most cost effective on the market today, offering countless configuration options to extract data that will answer just about any technical question you might have to answer about a website. After using it for about 2 months I am totally satisfied and can only recommend it to anyone who is seriously doing SEO. Thomas is a great professional and very helpful.

John S. Britsios

John S. Britsios John S. Britsios is a UX and semantic search consultant from SEO Workers. He was a user of A1 Website Analyzer for a long time before he later switched to the all-in-one tool TechSEO360.

I would encourage all professionals to try the TechSEO360 spider software for technical SEO audits of websites.

Ricard Menor

Ricard Menor Ricard Menor is the owner of edatasoft.com and seofreelance.es. Over 15 years of SEO consulting experience for local and international web projects he has been involved in projects of any size at a wide variety of sectors. Beyond being an independent SEO consultant, he is also a partner and SEO Manager within eData Web Development and Promotion.

I actually was an early A1 Sitemap Generator user, saw this handy and absolutely affordable tool grow in scope and quality and really stuck to it for ages. From A1 Sitemap Generator I later became a user of TechSEO360 with its granularity, ability for both macro-data scale to micro-detail attention, bulk and one-by-one treatments, ease for exports/imports and many features more...

This is remarkably useful for those of us who elect rather a technically aimed tool. TechSEO360 needs in fact a good tweaking for limiting its crawl appetite, a very effective throttle presets are provided for the most popular CMS platforms, plus a bunch of must-have configs for dealing with (again) technical aspects like restrictive robots, or testing your client website behavior before some given tweakings (like implementing new nofollow logic or noindexing big branches of your content...

I could make this testimonial a book about the many ways I made use of TechSEO360, but the funny thing of it is to find out new ways to help yourself through this SEO toolbox.

While all said is about software, I must recognize and applause the devotion and support from the human team behind TechSEO360 and the "A1" products family: not only bug hunting from time to time if very efficient, friendly explanations and contents beyond the many "RTFM" I got from others, and specially new implementations a few weeks after providing a new idea is nowhere else to be seen.

This is something you need to give a chance to. If you find that hook I found, you will be next testimonial.

For full testimonial see here in English and Spanish.

Dennis Steiner Lind Jørgensen

Dennis Steiner Lind Jørgensen Dennis is head of SEM at StepUp Media. This includes working with technical SEO for which his toolbox also includes TechSEO360.

TechSEO360 is a very strong, even very powerful tool. Whether you want a quick overview, or an in-depth audit of your or your competitors website, TechSEO360 can handle it. Try it out once, and you’re hooked.

Excerpt from TechSEO360 – Et stærkt SEO tool - in Danish:
Først og fremmest selvfølgelig pga. den stærke motor, de mange valgmuligheder for tilpasning osv., som kan give dig et super godt overblik over din indsats, og sitets tekniske tilstand.
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SEO website crawler tool that can find broken links, analyze internal link juice flow, show duplicate titles, perform custom code/text search and much more.
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As one of the lead developers, his hands have touched most of the code in the software from Microsys. If you email any questions, chances are that he will be the one answering.
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