Edit and Save Page Titles and Descriptions
Our sitemapper software extracts titles and descriptions from the pages in your website. You can edit and keep changes you make.
Changing page titles and descriptions in
A1 Sitemap Generator
is usually only useful if you intend to create specialized Google sitemaps (e.g. video, image or similar sitemap type kind) or
create HTML sitemaps
for your website.
Note: If you want to change how the HTML sitemap builder shows titles, see our
advanced HTML sitemaps article.
Note: Changes you make are not propagated to your website.
To change titles in your website, you will need to edit the
page source and upload changes to your webserver.
Note: Remember that you can
save and
e.g. page titles and descriptions across website scans when using the
recrawl functionality in
A1 Sitemap Generator.
Note: If you intend to close A1 Sitemap Generator and keep the changed title, you will need to use
File | Save project as well.